Tuesday, July 12, 2011

(Devil's) Fork in the Road

I’ve been receiving hate mail feedback lately from my blog readers (mostly from my brother!) stating that some of you (mostly my brother!) are annoyed about never knowing when I've posted on my blog.  Well, I’ve done extensive research I checked and there doesn’t seem to be an alert thingy (yes, that’s the technical term!), that notifies you of new posts.  If you can prove me wrong, please do (p.s. this isn't a competition!)!  Who knew that some of you (mostly my brother!) eagerly await my blog posts?  Many of you know that I annoyingly consistently post a link to my blog on Facebook and Twitter when I have a creative brain fart.   For those of you following me on Twitter, I only post my blog links so don’t be looking for me to post a 140 characters or less soliloquy on Twitter which probably explains why I only have 17 followers (I admire each of  my 17 followers for not being embarrassed about following me on Twitter!).  I reckon I must do more to ensure my faithful readers (mostly my brother!) don't have to check my blog several times a day,  every day to see if I've posted anything brilliant (never!) new on my blog. 

Originally, I had unrealistic good intentions to post every day on my blog (oh I'm so naive!) but that only lasted a measly 50 days (give or take a few!) then reality hit (ugh!).  It’s impossible to consistently blog, on a daily basis, educational (my #1 priority!) , funny, entertaining, inspirational and scintillating material (has that ever happened?) while working full-time and being a single mom (I know, I know, my daughter is 18 years old and she doesn't need me anymore...are you trying to make me cry?).  Sadly, daily blog posts quickly became a thing of the past.  What happened then was disastrous and emotionally devastating!  I started blogging on an "occasional" or "only when brilliance struck" (which in my case is rarely!) basis which averages out to approximately 3.1459265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781 posts per month.  Okay, that’s not exactly accurate.  I’m simply looking for a reason to include Pi in my blog post (yes, I'm a dork!).   Seriously though, let’s figure out the math (isn’t this fun?!).   I’ve been blogging since December 28th and have published 71 posts so that means I’ve been blogging 6 ½ months which means I’ve published approximately 10.923 blog posts per month.  Pathetic!  I'm embarrassed to call myself a blooger blogger.   Since we are on the topic of math (my favourite subject!) and my blog (also a favourite topic!), I think it’s time to revisit “The Aftermath” and “The Aftermath – Revisited” (can you revisit something that’s already been revisited, hence re-revisited?).  Don’t you remember those coruscating blog posts?   If you do, then you’ll probably be interested to know that there have been almost 3,000 blog views (mostly my brother!) since I started blogging on December 28th (shocking!).   Almost 54% of my blog readers are from Canada, 25% from US, 10% from UK, 2% from Singapore, 2% from Denmark and the remaining 7% are blog readers from France, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Egypt, Ukraine, India, Netherlands, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Vietnam, Nigeria, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Hungary, China, Iran, Ireland, Oman, Spain, Bulgaria, Phillipines, Lebanon, Belarus, Latvia and Norway.  Unbelievable!!!  Sure, many of them probably accidentally stumbled upon my blog (and were sorry they did!) but it’s still pretty cool to see people from so many different countries who “visited” my blog (don’t you think?). 

So while y'all (I'm currently reading a novel that's set in Southern US so some of the characters say "y'all" and it's now become a part of my vocabulary...I'm a vocabulary chameleon!) are waiting for me to post on my blog, I am sitting here, at a crossroads in my life!  You know that metaphoric fork in the road or better yet, the devil’s fork in the road?  Okay, that probably doesn’t make much sense to you (devil’s fork in the road?) but Sarah, BFF and Reb will understand the reference. The devil’s fork is a three-pronged fork that looks like something satan might use to eat spaghetti (the prongs were unusually long and scary looking!) but the girls seemed to like them (I thought the forks were hazardous-to-your-life eating apparatuses!) and they actually wanted to steal one (just one!) from the lakehouse where we vacationed last week (more information on the lakehouse and attempted theft in an upcoming blog post!).   Okay, I digress...back to the crossroads in my life!  Basically, what I’m saying is that the metaphoric devil's fork in the road is three-pronged.  Do I quit retire from the blogosphere?  Do I force myself to write every day?   Or do I find a happy blogging balance?   First of all, I ain’t no quitter!  Second of all, I love blogging!  Third of all, you love reading my blog (right?)!  Fourth of all, who will be able to make fun of me publicly if I don’t do it in this blog?  Fifth of all, how will I be able to make fun of brag about my cooking if I don’t have this blog?  Sixth of all, how will I share my love of all things John Cusack with you if I don’t have this blog?  Seventh of all, how will I be able to communicate with Sarah when she goes to university in September if I don’t have this blog?  Eighth of all, how will I know how many “#th of all” I can include in this blog post if I don’t have this blog?  Okay, that’s enough (“eighth” is enough…hehehe!).  What I’m trying to say is that I want to find a way to be more consistent in my blogging so that my loyal readers (mostly my brother!) won’t have to visit my blog on a daily basis to see if I’ve posted something new.  Unless, of course, you want to re-read some of my blog posts which I suspect you must do all of the time (mostly my brother!).   Who wouldn’t?  There's some good stuff in this blog (if I don't mind saying so myself!).  I don't even think I can pick a favourite...."When I Grow Up" or maybe "A World Without Bees" or maybe "Without You" or maybe "This is Me" or maybe "She Shoots, She Scores" (I love watching that video of me "playing" hockey!).   Okay, so it's obvious that I love my blog (is it wrong that I get a kick out of reading my own stuff?).  So how do I find more time to share my crazy thoughts with you?


Beginning this Saturday, July 16th, I will be posting weekly on my blog!!!  That means that every Saturday (that's right, EVERY Saturday!), there will be a blog post waiting for you to enjoy (just for you!).   Please note that I can't make any promises about the quality now that I will be rushing to publish weekly blog posts.  Just kidding!  Of course, every post will be as obtuse brilliant and dull funny as the one before it.   Wait a minute….let’s do the math.  If I post every Saturday, that means I’ll only be publishing 4 blog posts per month (sometimes 5 depending on the month!) which will inevitably bring down my average of 10.92 blog posts per month to a mere...I don't even want to calculate it (shocking...I don't want to do math!).  Geesh!  I thought this was an improvement.  I thought that 10.92 blog posts per month was pathetic but it was actually kick ass!  Okay, okay, obviously that average is extremely high because I was blogging EVERY DAY for approximately 50 days.  What was I thinking?  Crazy blooger!  Anyways, let’s try every Saturday and see what happens (it’s better than the pathetic 3 posts in April and 2 posts in May!).  Yes, it will take discipline but “discipline” will soon be my middle name because…wait for it…. I’m taking my first piano lesson tonight!  Heck, weekly blogging should be a piece of cake (mmmm…cake!) compared to piano lessons!  Say what?  That’s right…tonight I start piano lessons!  I wrote about doing things that scare me in my blog post “Eleanor’s words of wisdom”, and taking piano lessons is one of those things.  Yes, taking piano lessons from a boy genius is terrifying!  I even “practiced” playing last night so piano boy genius doesn't think I'm a complete loser (just a partial!) which is equivalent to someone cleaning their house before the maid comes over or doing your hair before an appointment with your hair stylist.  I’ve always wanted to play the piano (correctly!) so here’s my chance.  For those of you who are itching to know (so you can make fun of me!), I was "playing" Beethoven's For Elise to "loosen up my fingers" (again, yes I'm a dork!).  So if I can squeeze in two piano lessons a week plus mucho time spent practicing (practice makes perfect!), I can certainly squeeze in a blog post every week.  Can’t I? 

P.S.  I know some of you (mostly my brother!) are having issues posting comments on my blog.  I’ve also been having issues responding to your comments (mostly my brother's!) so my suggestion is that you select “URL/Name” when you want to leave a comment and just enter your name in the pop-up box.   Your comments are much appreciated!!!

P.P.S.  Shout-out to my friend Shana (we've known each other since the seventh grade!) who recently told me that she enjoys reading my blog and knowing what's going on in that crazy head of mine.  Shana - I hope this blog post made you smile (if it didn't, I'll try harder next time!).  You're in my thoughts and prayers today (and every day!).  I hope those hospital vampires are taking good care of you!!!  Love you xo 

1 comment:

  1. Wow totally forgot to check your blog, ah the irony! O_o
